Easy To Make Washcloth Rose

I love making gift baskets for friends and family, they are a great way to gift lots of different items rather than just one present. Gifting a washcloth, or flannel can look a bit boring so I like to make them look fancy by making them into a cute shape. In this blog i will share how I made my easy to make washcloth rose. I think the wash cloth rose looks really cute and can easily be added to any gift basket.


To make the washcloth rose you will only need the washcloth and nothing extra, which is always a bonus. You can buy washcloths/flannels from any supermarket, home bargains, b&m or amazon.

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Step 1 Starting the rose

Open up the washcloth. Lay it on a flat surface.

Laying out the opened washcloth on a flat surface

Fold the washcloth in half, corner to corner, like shown in the picture below.

Folding the washcloth in half to make a triangle

Roll the washcloth from the bottom. I rolled it twice.

Rolling up the bottom of the folded washcloth towards the top

Step 2 Assembling the rose

Turn the washcloth over. From one corner start to roll the washcloth.

Rolling the bottom of the washcloth
Rolling the bottom of the washcloth
The rolled up washcloth

When you are near to the end you will be left with the opposite end of the washcloth. Tuck this end into the rolled washcloth as shown in the picture below. This will secure your washcloth and stop it from unravelling.

Showing the end of the rolled up part being tucked into the rolled up washcloth

Step 3 Making the petals

You will now have 2 pieces of the washcloth still sticking up. Take 1 piece in each hand and start to fold them down. Fold them towards the rolled up washcloth.

Folding down the 2 corners of the washcloth to look like petals

Turn the washcloth over and adjust the washcloth to look a rose with petals. Your finished rose should look like the washcloth rose in the picture below.

The completed washcloth that now looks like a rose with petals

If you would like to watch how I made my washcloth rose, please click on the video below.

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