Personalised Easter Bunny Sweet Jars

So today I popped into Home Bargains and i saw these really cute Easter bunny jars. They were £1.99 each. I loved them just as they were but thought it would be great to personalise them for Easter. In this blog i'm going to show you how my personalised Easter bunny sweet jars turned out.

To make these personalised Easter Bunny jars you will need:

Supplies I used to make personalised Easter Bunny Sweet jars: cricut Maker, Bunny sweet jar, rubbing alcohol, standard grip mat, self adhesive vinyl, weeding tool, burnishing tool, ruler, transfer tape and scissors


Standard Grip mat

Weeding and burnishing tool

Transfer tape

Self adhesive vinyl



Rubbing Alcohol

Bunny Jar - Home Bargains

Chocolate bunnies/eggs - Home Bargains

Bunny face design

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Getting started

Decide on the bunny face that you want to use and download the file to your computer. Head over to design space and click on new project. Click on the upload button on the left hand side of your screen. This will take you to the next screen where you can click on upload image.

Design space screen showing uploaded imaged

Click on upload image and you will see another screen appear, click on browse to locate the file you wish to upload.

Design space screen showing where to place your drag and drop file or browse

Next click on the file you want to use and you will see it appear in the recent uploads.

Design space screen showing the items in the downloaded file

Clicking on the image will put a green box around the file you have just uploaded. You will now see a prepare to upload screen. At this point you are able to rename the file and if you are happy with the design click upload.

Prepare to upload screen showing deign image

Uploading and resizing your image

Your image should now be on your canvas. As you can see from my image it's a bit mangled. If this happens it's not a problem. Just click on the ungroup button in the top right corner and you will be able to move parts of your image about.

Uploaded design on the design space canvas. All the elements are overlapping

When all your design is sorted click on select all in the bar across the top to select the whole design. This will select all of your design. Next head down to the bottom right of the screen and click on 'attach'. This will attach all your design together so you can alter the size and it will all stay in proportion.

The uploaded design on the canvas in the correct position

For the size of my jar I changed the width of my design to 3.5 inches. I did this by clicking in the size box along the top of the screen. Keeping the padlock locked will change the height accordingly keeping the design in proportion.

The uploaded design on the canvas resized to a smaller size to fit on the front of the jar

Preparing your image for cutting

The uploaded design on the canvas resized to a smaller size to fit on the front of the jar ready to be cut

Now you are ready to prepare your design to be cut. Cricut will automatically send different colours to be cut on different mats. Cricut likes to save materials, therefore attach the design together then Cricut will not change the layout of the design in order to save the materials. To keep the bunny design together we need to attach all the pieces together. Hold down the shift key and select all the same coloured parts of the design.

The uploaded design on the canvas resized to a smaller size to fit on the front of the jar with all the black coloured elements selected and attached

I selected all the black parts. When all the same colour parts are selected click on the attach button in the bottom right corner. This tells Cricut how you want the design to be cut out.

The uploaded design on the canvas resized to a smaller size to fit on the front of the jar

The bunny nose will automatically be cut on a separate mat allowing you to change the colour of the vinyl.

Ready to cut

If you are happy with your design and the size then click on 'make it' in the top right of the screen. Cricut has now separated your design on to the relevant mats.

The design ready to be cut shown on the mat screen so you can see the different mats

Select the material you wish to use. I always premium vinyl as I find this cuts well for me.

Design space screen showing all the materials that you can select. I selected premium vinyl

Changing the pressure to 'more' will give you best cut possible.

Design space screen showing premium vinyl selected and asking to set the pressure

Weeding the design

Take your weeding tool and weed your design removing all the excess vinyl.

The cut and weeded bunny face in black and pink

Using the transfer tape place the tape over the weeded design and burnish.

The cut and weeded bunny face with transfer tape over the top

Do the bunny face first and then add the nose.

A close up of The cut and weeded bunny face with transfer tape over the top

Using the rubbing alcohol and a cloth wipe the font of the glass jar to remove and grease.

The cut and weeded bunny face with transfer tape over the top, bunny jar and rubbing alcohol

Once dry add your bunny face pressing down firmly then slowly remove the transfer tape.

The bunny face transferred onto the bunny jar

Your bunny jar face is now complete.

The completed bunny jar with bunny face

Personalising the lid

To add a name to your jar, head back over to design space. On your canvas click on the text button at the right hand side of your screen. Type the name in the text box. To change the font of the text click on the font box.

Design space screen showing font options

This will allow you to chose a font of your choice. I chose Arial Rounded for my name.

Design space screen showing selected font Ariel rounded

Next measure the top of the jar to see what size you need your name to be. I measured mine and decided that I wanted my name to be 2" wide.

Top of the bunny jar being measured with the ruler

Changed the size using the size box at the top of the screen in the same way you did for the bunny face.

Name Lisa on design space screen in the selected font with the bunny face design

We don't need to cut out the rabbit face again, just the name. To remove the rabbit face click on the small eye icon on the right hand side of the screen. You will need to do this for every part of the rabbit face.

Name Lisa on design space screen in the selected font

Curving the Name

As the top of the jar is slightly curved you can curve the name so it will fit on the lid better. This is done by clicking on the curve button at the top of the screen.

Name Lisa on design space screen in the selected font being curved to fit better on the top of the jar

You can then slide the bar across to curve the name as much or as little as you want.

Now you are ready to cut the vinyl. We are going to do this in the same way as we did the bunny face. I selected premium vinyl and I made the pressure more so that I got a really good clean cut.

Design space screen showing the base material being set to premium vinyl

Weed away any excess vinyl so you are only left with your design. Apply the transfer tape and burnish the design onto the transfer tape. When you apply the name to the lid make sure the name is stuck down well to the lid.

Now you have a personalised Easter bunny sweet jar ready to fill with easter treats.

Completed bunny jars. A pink bunny jar with a girl bunny face and the name Lisa. A yellow bunny jar with a boy bunny face and the name Shane on the lid.

I hope you enjoyed reading just how easy it was to add a personal touch to these bunny jars. If you want to see how I personalised easter bunny sweet jars then just click on the YouTube video below to watch my tutorial.

If you enjoyed my blog please take a look at some of my other blog posts:

Personalised keychain

Personalised tote bag

Faux Leather Hair Bows

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