I see so many amazing crafts that are made with wool I just had to investigate. After lots of research I discovered I-Cord. Oh my gosh I was hooked (literally) and I knew that I had to make some. I looked on Amazon and I found this amazing I cord knitter so I snapped it up straight away. The Easy to use I-Cord Knitter was perfect, definitely easy to use and gave me the amazing results that I wanted.
I'm going to share with you step by step just how easy it is to use so you can also get great results and amazing crafts.
There are a few items you will need, they are:
Scissors - Home Bargains
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Remove the I-cord knitter from the packaging.
In your packaging you will see the I-Card Knitter, a weight and a crochet hook.

At the top of the I-cord knitter you will see a clear plastic section. At the side of the plastic part there is a small hole at the bottom, along with a small cut out part at the top. These are known as the upper and lower guide.

Threading the wool
Start by threading the wool through the lower guide and then up through the upper guide. Once you have reached the top start to thread the wool down through the tube in the middle.

Keep threading the wool until you are able to pull the wool through the bottom.

Next pull the wool through the centre tube of the knitter and out the bottom.

Thread the wool through the hole in the weight. Press the button on the weight to allow you to thread the wool through. Once you are happy and have enough wool running through the weight release the button. This will now hold the wool in place in the weight and keep the wool pulled tight when you are knitting your I-Cord.

Start Knitting
Now your wool is in place, make sure all the metal latches are open.
Start to turn the handle in a clockwise direction. Make sure that the first hook catches the wool.

Continue to turn the handle, using your crochet hook make sure the wool misses the second hook. Just hook the wool behind the second hook.

Continue to turn the handle slowly making sure the wool catches on the 3rd hook.

Miss the 4th hook using the crochet hook to pull the wool behind the latch.

Now you have done the first cycle, keep turning the handle in a clockwise direction making sure the wool catches on every hook.

You should start to see the wool coming out the bottom of the I-Cord Knitter

Continue to do this until you have the desired length of knitted I-Cord you require.

Removing the I-Cord from the knitter
When you have your desired length of I-Cord that you require you will need to remove the wool from the I-Cord Knitter.
To do this wind the handle in an anti-clockwise direction. You will see the wool then starts to be removed from the latches.

Once all the wool is loose gently pull the wool out through the bottom of the I-Cord knitter.

Now you should be able to see 4 really small loops of wool.
Take the big eye sewing needle and thread the wool carefully through each one of the loops.

Once you have threaded the wool through then pull the wool tight and this will tie off the end of the I-Cord.

Now you wool has been knitted you now have your length of I-Cord ready to use in your crafts.

If you would like to watch how I used the I Cord Knitter, please click on the video below.
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