Pompom gnomes not only look really cute, but they are super easy to make too with minimal supplies. Pompom crafts are so much fun and you can get as creative as you like. See below how I made an easy to make pompom gnome.
To make these pompom gnomes you will need the following supplies:
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Step 1
Start by making a pompom in your first choice of wool. I used a pompom maker to make mine, feel free to make your pompom in your preferred way. I have linked below some of my other videos on how to make a pompom.
How to make pompoms with a fork step by step easily in under 5 minutes
How to make pompoms with toilet paper roll in less than 5 minutes
How to make pompoms with a pompom maker in less than 5 minutes
How to make pompoms with your fingers in less than 5 minutes

Step 2
On the card, draw a line 3/4 inch from the top and cut it out. This will give you a strip of card to make the gnome hat.

Step 3
Take the card strip and make a circle. Measure round the top of the pompom to make sure it fits. Once you have the right size secure with sellotape.

Step 4
Take the second colour of wool, measure and cut 40cm lengths. Start by cutting approximately 50 lengths of wool.

Step 5
Wrap the wool around the card circle as shown in the picture below. Continue to do this until all the wool is used or the card circle is full. If you need more wool lengths just cut more to make sure your card circle is fully covered.

Once all the circle is covered, push all the wool through the hole so it looks like the picture below.

Step 6
Take the pompom, if you still have a length wool on the pompom push the wool through the hat. Tie all the wool together using another piece of wool. This will create the top of the gnome hat.

Trim the top of the wool. Secure the hat to the pompom with a small amount of hot glue.

Step 7
Add the wooden bead just below the hat to make the gnome nose. Add any embellishments that you wish to add to your gnome.

Your pompom gnome is now complete.

I really hope you have a go at making an easy to make pompom gnome. You can see how I made mine by watching the video below.