Easy To Make Felt Heart Bookmark

I love to read and I love cute things. So making a cute felt heart bookmark was perfect. These bookmarks are really easy to make and look so cute. They can easily be make with items that you have in your craft stash. You can be really creative and make any colour bookmark you would like. If you do not have felt then you could also use material. You don't even have to make hearts. You could make any cute bookmark that you want . Keep reading and I will share step by step how to make an easy to make felt heart bookmark.

I used the following materials to make these bookmarks:

Red felt



Red Thread


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Step 1 Getting started

Using red felt I cut 4 red hearts, 2 large hearts and 2 smaller red hearts.

2 red felt hearts

Using a blanket stitch sew the 2 larger hearts together. I used red thread for these but you could use another colour to contrast with the red felt.

2 red felt hearts being sewn together using a blanket stitch and red thread.

Step 2 Adding the ribbon

When you get to the bottom of your heart add in the ribbon. Make sure you cut the piece of ribbon long enough. I chose to cut my ribbon the length of the book so the hearts were visible at the top and bottom of the book. Continue to sew a blanket stitch and sew in the ribbon.

Sewing the felt hearts over a red stroppy ribbon.

Once you have sewn the heart, it should look like the picture below.

The fully sewn red heart. The heart has been sewn using a blanket stitch. A ribbon has been sewn in-between the hearts.

Step 3 Repeat the process

Repeat the same process for the small heart as you did with the large heart. You also have the option to position your heart either way around.

A large red heart sewn at the top of the ribbon and a small red heart sewn at the bottom of the ribbon.

Now you heart book mark is all ready to use in your favourite book.

The completed bookmark placed inside of an A5 sized note book.

If you would like to watch how I made my felt heart bookmark, please click on the link below.

Please check out my other blog posts

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